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Sqlkit depends on:

  • Python (>= 2.5, < 3)
  • Pygtk
  • sqlalchemy (>=0.5.4, <0.9). Rel 0.9.5 is the first sqlkit release that works with sqlalchemy 0.7+.
  • python-dateutils
  • setuptools
  • the correct driver for your database of choice among the backend supported by sqlalchemy
  • babel (localization)


this is the Changelog


The code is available under an hg repository:

hg clone

You can download sqlkit package from here in tar or zip format.

Python package

Sqlkit is used in a production environment and great care is put in fixing any bug as soon as possible. The first stable version has been 0.8.6 in 2008.

I really appreciate any bug report particularly if based on a repeatable example, possibly starting from the demo.


Read the detailed instructions in the tutorial: Installing under Windows.


Packages are available, read the instructions on how to add the repository.

Sqlkit on Pypi

Sqlkit is available via Pypi (Python Package Index), so -if you have already installed setuptools that provides the command easy_install- you can install it via easy_install or better pip:

easy_install pip
pip install sqlkit

Beware that that will fail if you don’t already have PyGTK installed.

You can also install directly with easy_install that often will fail understanding already installed packages. Should you have problems with pip you can revert to:

easy_install sqlkit

No one of these command will install the backend driver (psycopg2 for postgresql, MySQLdb for mysql,...) that you are supposed to install by yourself. Sqlite is included in Python stadard library.


We need the help from some translator to localize in different languages. It takes some 40 minutes to provide a complete set of translations for each language. Please visit the launchpad ‘s site or contact me directly.


Sqlkit is developed by Alessandro Dentella