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Validation is very important and is mainly accomplished via Hooks: on_validation and on_field_validation__field_name are expressly created for that with all the variants for related tables.

There are many different snippets in the demo related to validation and hooks: they are part of the documentation.

Validation Errors

The validation has the following steps:

  1. Each field in gui_fields, i.e. all fields that have a graphical representation are looked for the value and a hook named on_field_validation__field_name -if present- is run .


    At present fields representing m2m or o2m relations (e.g. movies in a director class) are not searched for on_field_validation__field_name hook. You can use on_validation hook to set validation on relations

    Each method of the hooks class can raise a ValidationWarning directly that is caught by the main validation loop, and populates validation_error dict or can feed this dict via the sqlwidget’s method add_validation_error or add_not_null_error

    This operation is repeated for each related process and the main validation_error dict is updated.

  2. If the validation_error dict has collected some errors a ValidationErrorDialog is presented to the user:

    class Hooks(object):
          def on_field_validation__year(self, mask, field_name, field_value, field):
              if field_value > 2020:
                  raise ValidationError("Hey: how can you know the future!")
    t = SqlMask(model.Movie, layout=lay, label_map={'':'genres'},
               dbproxy=db, hooks=Hooks())

    that would raise a ValidationDialog as follows:


Validation Warnings

In a similar way you can raise/add a Validation Warning that will warn with a message but will not abort the process.

ValidationWarningDialog is presented after ValidationErrorDialog if both are needed.